Healing Starts Now

Hello and welcome. My name is Raycine Marinez. I’m a professionally trained Toxic Relationship Coach, here for those looking to break from their current situation and learn the skills to manage their relationships successfully.

Do you feel like you ended one toxic relationship only to end up in another?

Are you ready to break the cycle and find yourself a beautiful, healthy, and lifelong relationship? 

I'm Raycine

As an experienced Toxic Relationship Coach, I have the tools and understanding to help you create the life you’ve imagined, as you acquire a rejuvenated sense of self.

I will help you change your perception of life, so that it is filled with vitality, enthusiasm, and serenity.

You are in great hands when you decide to move forward with my coaching methods, because I’m a survivor of domestic violence and toxic relationships, and I know how to come out on the other side with a better outlook on life.


Committing to a healthier lifestyle is just that, a commitment, and it’s a huge self-investment that will take a lot a of dedication. Trust me when I tell you, it will be worth it in the end.

My personal commitment is to provide you with accountability, compassion, and support while accomplishing lasting growth. I will be honest and not botch your advancement by sugarcoating the truth.

It’s imperative to have the abutment that you need when going through the groundwork of building a proper foundation of trust when seeking healthy relationships.

Make Lasting Change

The goal is to guide you to change the direction of your life as you discard negative thoughts and behaviors that undermine your meaning/purpose.

I will work with you to recover from toxic relationships while developing a renewed and fulfilled mindset.

With my extensive wisdom in Toxic Relationship Coaching and vast history of client success, my individualized approach will assist you in obtaining your relationship goals.

I will find the solution you are seeking to better your lifestyle whether you are in a toxic relationship, recovering from one, or ready to find true love.

Our Courses

Our courses are put in place to ignite your confidence, overcome life’s obstacles, and pursue your purpose. They are all transformational, so no matter where you are in life, you have the ability to become impactful, financially independent, and successful in achieving your goals. Each course sets you on a life mission and comes with its own playbook to succeed.

Life Coaching

These memberships are exclusively for influential women; this one-of-a-kind community will help you thrive while changing into a successful powerhouse full of ambition.

Rediscover Your Strengths!

More independence, freedom to be yourself, and confidence in decision making. My 15 Step Empowerment guide that will enhance your life, and it’s FREE!