12 Life Altering 30-Day Challenges

A 30-day challenge can be an excellent way to jumpstart making a significant change to your life. The thought of making a long-term life change can be a bit intimidating for some people. Nonetheless, many of us are fascinated and less intimidated by trying something new for a month.

In 30 days, you can get a good start on creating a new routine that can enhance your life for the better. You don’t have anything to lose, it’s just 30 days.

Time is a valuable resource, so make sure to choose a 30-day challenge that will certainly upgrade your life:

1. Talk to a new person every day. Talking with new people has a lot of benefits. You’ll get better at speaking to complete strangers, which helps with shyness. You’ll minimize your social anxiety and be able to open up more. You could make a new friend out of the blue. You could also meet your special person if you’re lucky.

2. Give up a negative habit and replace it with a new, positive one. Don’t try to change too much at once. Start with one or two small habits to give yourself a chance to successfully obtain them. While it takes 21 consecutive days to form a habit, 30 days will certainly solidify your efforts.
3. Give up social media and or TV. If these are large timewasters for you, this would certainly be an excellent challenge to tackle. Inform everyone you know that you’re taking a break from social media. You never know, some of them may be willing to join you on this journey. If so, you can brainstorm on other things you can do together to pass the time. There’s nothing like having a support group to lean on in times of need, so welcome them aboard.
4. Exercise for 30 minutes. If you don’t work out, it’s crucial to include in your life. It’s helpful to your mental and physical wellbeing. Find something physical that you like to do and commit to doing it for 30 days. Try hiking, a dance class, or indoor rock climbing. Anything to raise your heart rate for 30 minutes so you can produce some sweat.
5. Journal of gratitude. This is one of the less complicated 30-day challenges, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t extremely life-altering. Just list 5 things each day you’re thankful for. Try to stay clear of repeating yourself during the 30 days. You can do this first thing in the morning or go throughout your day and have something to reflect back on and to be thankful for at night. 
6. Change your diet. There are a variety of diets out there specifically for body shape, age, and gender. Do some research and find the one that’s best for you, choose one and try it out for 30 days. If it doesn’t work, try another one until you find the one that gets you the results you want. 
7. Walk. Walking everyday can boost your morale if you’re feeling stressed out or sedentary. This challenge can take place at any given time of the day or evening. You can also walk outside if the weather permits or walk on the treadmill to travel to places abroad (if you have the online system).
8. Listen to guided meditations. At night before bed, get comfortable and just listen. It’s hard to start meditating on your own, but having the option of listening to recorded meditations makes it easier to commit to. Take note of what changes you experience after 10 days, then continue through the end of the 30 days.
9. Get up one hour earlier than usual and use this time to accomplish something. The evening is when most wasted time is consumed. If you go to bed an hour early and wake up an hour earlier, you can take back an hour of your constructive time. 
10. Create a morning routine and stick to it. Plan the first hour of your day, then follow your strategy until it becomes a habit. Think about your personal responsibilities and goals. Create a morning routine that supports making progress to said goals.
11. Research for 30 minutes. Choose something that can easily be applied to your life. If you learned something new every day and incorporated it into your life, imagine how changed your worldview would become. This could be anything from cooking to decorating to learning photography. The best way to do this is through a recorded video, as you follow along and apply as you go.

12. Apply positive self-talk. This 30-day challenge is one that will work in your favor for the test of time. You are already doing it; you just have to make it positive based. We all have that voice in our head talking to us from sun rise to night fall. Everyone needs to be their own cheerleader, best friend, or hype man. Whichever title you choose, start to practice being that positive force for yourself because without it, you are destined to fail.

Doing 30-day challenges can be an enjoyable and a less intimidating way to making a change in your life. You understand that it’s only 30 days of your time and you’re totally free to quit afterwards. This is a different frame of mind than beginning something that you should keep forever. 

At the end of the 30 days, reevaluate the month and ask yourself if it was worth investing into. Did you gain anything new that you would like to incorporate into your life permanently? Is it something that you wouldn’t want to continue with because you have concerns? What did it cost you mentally, time wise, or financially? 

Consider using a 30-day challenge to kickstart the process of a new change. If something doesn’t sit well with you, just move on to another challenge. If you like that challenge, stick with it for 30 days and see how it changes your life for the better. There are 12 challenges here, so you have a years’ worth of goals to accomplish if you’re a on a journey of change! Good luck beautiful soul.

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