Break the Cycle of Extreme Busyness

Trying to fit way too many tasks into a few hours can leave you feeling overwhelmed. It may be that you’re extoling, glorifying, and celebrating just how busy you are since it privately makes you feel successful and important. Or you could possibly be under family or economic pressures that outstrip your resources.

In either case, there’s an epidemic of extreme busyness amongst modern adults that leave us feeling like there’s not enough hours in the day. Become more productive when you try these big and small solutions for managing your time. 

Major Antidotes to Extreme Busyness

1. Take a break from your phone. Take some time to yourself by setting a Focus and allowing yourself to be in the moment. There’s something about being connected to everything all day that plays a role in feeling overwhelmed. If you’re really feeling frisky, stay off all social media platforms for a full day.  

2. Live in the moment. Whatever you’re working on, be fully invested in the task until it’s complete. Focus on getting one thing done at a time. Break it into small sections if you must and complete it throughout the week. You’ll enhance the quality of your work and reduce daily stress.
3. List out your priorities. Using your time wisely will make your life more meaningful. Think about what will get you to your goals quicker and devote your time to the tasks that will help you accomplish them one by one. This way you aren’t wasting your time with things that don’t matter or push you towards your goals.
4. Establish a routine. An organized approach turns regular chores into automatic behaviors. This way, you spend less time coordinating, and more time getting it done. Check your email first thing in the morning, return calls right after that, and get to work by 9am. Make a shopping list Sunday night, go grocery shopping first thing Monday morning (when everyone else is at school and work), and do the laundry while you work from home. Now you have the rest of the week to tackle your goals a day at a time. 
5. Collaborate with likeminded individuals. We can accomplish much more as a team. Focus on your strengths and the things you do well, then eliminate or outsource the remaining things on your list. Don’t waste time and money trying to learn how to do something with subpar results, when you can hire someone who specializes in the it, to get it done right the first time. 
6. Get some sleep. If you’re having trouble keeping your eyes open, try going to bed an hour earlier than normal. Adequate rest not only makes you more effective, but also energetic. Don’t sacrifice your sleep to get more done because it’ll catch up to you and your body will shut down. You can’t accomplish things if you’re sick or tired so be mindful of your body.
7. Edit life less. Proofread an email once and send it on its way. If your kids eat and have clean clothes, don’t spend time questioning your parenting skills. Everything in your life doesn’t have to be perfect because whoever you think is paying attention, isn’t. Let it go or you will be stagnant without any momentum to push forward with your goals. Perfection will stop you from making headway.

8. Count your free time. Discovering free time is like finding money in some pants you just washed. Add up the hours you’re on social media, the time used for your commute, and the time you have outside of work. Now decide what youwant to do with it before something else comes along to take it from you.

Tiny Antidotes to Extreme Busyness

1. Make real coffee/tea. The old coffee/tea is being replaced by these instant packs you pour right into boiling water. Take a seat and share a real cup of tea or coffee with a good friend. There’s nothing like catching up over coffee or tea, to get your mind off of your responsibilities.

2. Be the first to leave. Let your colleagues know in advance if it will make your departure easier. If you’re investing so much time at work, that you’re friends with the cleaning crew, and barely see your family, see what it’s like to be the first one to leave. 
3. Check your language. Have you started using busy phrases like, “blessed, booked, and busy” or “too busy hustling?” These statements make it seem like you don’t have time for anything other than being busy. It’s OK to be proud of your success, just find a way to express it that won’t have a negative impression on you subconsciously. Be mindful of the language you use because doing so will lower your stress level. 
4. Don’t compete. In some cases, it seems like we’re trying to top the next person when it comes to how busy we are. When someone brings up how they are booked and busy, be sympathetic and change the topic to something a bit more constructive or to a more positive subject like vacationing.
5. Do nothing. Action predisposition is an innate force that makes us want to get up and do something, no matter what it is. Give on yourself the green light to sit down and think about your options in life. Create a vibe by lighting some candles and be in complete silence. Make plans and map out your goals so you’ll have a blueprint to follow. Or just take time out for yourself, relaxing and investing into your soul. Do what you want, just make it about you.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s time to create more balance in your life. In addition to challenges and new adventures, make room for ordinary activities and peaceful reflection. Being present will help you enjoy your life more, which is what you’re working so hard for. You’ll soon find that having less to deal with can be more fulfilling than being booked and busy.

Want to go deeper into knowing how to break the cycle of extreme busyness? Click here to check out our course Create Your Ideal Lifestyle and Maintain Success. 


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